gravitas in public
Gravitas is beyond simple etiquette, manners, and decorum;
it's knowing and exhibiting
the right demeanor to suit
who you are with, where you are, who is observing you, and to be appropriate "on purpose".
Add Gravitas to your Self-Awareness competency to demonstrate that
you ARE AWARE of how others around you perceive you and that
you know how to adjust to get the best interactions and responses.
You are responsible for doing your best
to manage perception.
What's Your Message Today? Does it say:"Today isn't my day and tomorrow isn't looking so good either." OR: "I'm READY!"
Gravitas and Self-Awareness - Top competencies to develop for future leaders and an expectation in all leadership roles
Gravitas is a calming presence - a presence that people respect and want to follow
Gravitas is most definitely a learned behavior and thought process. To get ahead in any industry, be considered a leader or "on your way" to higher roles - gravitas, comfortable confidence communicating, and looking the part are the trifecta of garnering respect for your ideas and having influence on others. Harvard Business Review, Columbia Business School, and all other respected business institutions focus on adding emphasis to defining gravitas and encouraging their executives to develop their gravitas as Number One of the top three competencies expected of them in their future roles.
Gravitas is for EVERYONE in all roles and is not an age-specific competency one can hope shows up later- and it's not only a training for executive leadership. Very often it is the business or social situations we encounter that require behaving with purposeful gravitas. Case Study: One of our clients brought in our Gravitas Training for their entire leadership level and All-Staff throughout the organization. Why? Because some people were behaving in the public eye as if they had no awareness of the serious concerns of those around them. Although those staff members were not interacting directly with those complaining around them...they were "within view and earshot." Complaints arrived at the C-level of the company, and some business relationships were in jeopardy. The threat was because of losing sight of caring for those around them and what their needs may be. Every single day in their business there is a necessity for exhibiting extreme sensitivity. This training is brought in repeatedly through the years for reinforcement of this knowledge to ensure everyone consistently projects the message of their business, which is "We care."
Fortunately, Gravitas + Comfortable Confidence + Image are learned and practiced in the Corporate Icon training - a combination that, although it seems abstract, can be defined quite concretely with defined actions, behaviors, manner of speaking, external image, and clear communication.
It doesn't involve leaving the "real you" behind and acting dour with no time for levity.
We look forward to hearing a satisfying "Aaaaah!" from you and your people when you HAVE
Gravitas: The Right Thing at the Right Time.™